Pests in Your House: Rats, Ants and More

· Pest Control Service

If you ever notice bugs, rodents, ants, and other pets around your home then it’s important to take quick action against them. Because once pests enter your house and make it their permanent place this becomes so difficult to control pest problems. Sometimes pet's presence indicates that you that your house is not clean but even in clean houses or after pest control services it’s very common to find pets. Pets carry many diseases and can create major problems for both rich and poor alike.

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  • To terminate the attack of pest’s homeowners can follow the following suggestions:

Eliminate wood contact with the ground:

If your wooden cupboard is directly in contact with the earth then this will provide a hidden entry to many pests in your home. The direct contact of wood and earth provides termites with access to food, moisture, and shelter. The termites can easily enter through cut ends and easily built tunnels in your house. Every homeowner should be aware that for termite attacks pressure-treated wood is not immune. 

Check doors and windows:

To prevent the entry of pests into your house, seal all the gaps between windows and doors. It is very important to inspect and repair all broken windows and doors so that insects don’t fit well there. In your home and hardware stores, screen mesh is easily available with at least 200 holes per square inch. You may use them. 

Check gaps and cracks:

Not only do doors and windows have tiny openings, rather than examine the entire home. Check for all cracks, crevices, and gaps through which pets can enter your entire home. Repair all the cracks, loose siding, and gaps around pipes, electric wiring, and cables. Seal all the openings of pets immediately. 

Clean drains:

Gunk and debris are very common in sink and floor drains. This will provide ideal breeding sites for all pests and flies. So never forget to clean and inspect all drains in your home especially laundry rooms and basements. Baking soda and vinegar work excellently while cleaning drains and for pest control. This solution also provides foaming action that flushes out clogs.  

  • Preventions from Rats:

Poisoning is not an effective solution for rats. Sometimes after eating poison they come back and make the problem even worse. The best solution is to find their entry point and block them. This will solve your problem permanently. You may use humane live traps to catch rodents inside your home.

  • Preventions from Ants:

Ants are small in size and can easily enter through a tiny crack. Mostly ants are found around sugar. They take the sugar back to their nests. They leave their scents and again make their journey by following those scents. Ants usually don’t come out at night so block their hole at night. 

  • Preventions from Fleas:

Pest control services also remove fleas. To remove the eggs of the fleas it’s important to give your dog and cat a bath daily. You can remove fleas and their eggs with a vacuum and empty the flea’s bag somewhere outside. Have a look on our blog titled top method to keep ants away from the kitchen.